Friends Committee on North Carolina Legislation (FCNCL) builds on a Quaker history of seeking to influence governmental legislation and actions.  The Religious Society of Friends has long sought legislation and good government practices that embody the Quaker testimonies of peace, simplicity, equality, community, integrity and stewardship.

Friends pursue these goals with the conviction that we have a moral and religious responsibility to influence legislation and policies that affect human dignity and well-being, environmental stewardship, and non-violence.  We actively engage in politics in a nonpartisan fashion to bring a voice of conscience and to demonstrate that there is no separation between faith and action.  We are guided   in such action by religious faith in the Light that resides in every person. 

Specifically,FCNCL, respecting the dignity of all, advocates for policies that support people of all cultural, religious and racial backgrounds; marriage and gender equality; violence prevention; civil and voting rights for all citizens; access to quality education opportunities; quality healthcare for all; safe homes and communities free from violence; an equitable and humane criminal justice system; social justice;  environmental stewardship; and opposition to all forms of torture and extreme rendition.

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